Amie Solomon

Author | Content Creator | Ninja ‘Wildlife’ Warrior

Meet Amie Jane Solomon, Mama to her little boys, River (4) and Bondi (2). But she doesn’t just wear the mum hat. Nope, she's also the creative mind behind young adult novel ‘The Harris Sisters’.

Amidst the whirlwind of raising her dynamic duo, Amie wears many hats. She's a creative soul, a personal trainer, a wordsmith, a wildlife enthusiast, and even indulges in a bit of acting. Amie also isn't a stranger to the corporate world, having conquered roles as a Business Development Manager, Sales Executive, and Marketing Manager.

And guess what? You might have seen her and her hubby, Ryan Solomon, tackling insane obstacles on Channel Nine's Australian Ninja Warrior for five heart-pounding seasons. Their journey has been an open book, sharing the highs and lows, including the heartache of losing their first baby Lola at 17 weeks, and enduring three miscarriages between River and Bondi.

Amie's approach to social media is refreshingly down-to-earth and authentic. What truly distinguishes her is her commitment to keeping it real with her audience. She's the genuine article, delivering unfiltered truths and plenty of laughter. Maintaining her authenticity is paramount, which is why she selectively partners with brands and products that align with her values and offer real value to her dedicated audience.